version control, document, google drive, microsoft sharepoint

A Guide to Document Version Control

Document version control is a critical aspect of project management. While it presents similarities with the topic of version control in the context of software engineering, this article focuses solely on tracking changes in documents, so please refer to our other article if you are interested in resolving conflicts and merging code. Effective document version […]

kanban, product backlog, sprint backlog, agile, scrum

Product Backlog vs Sprint Backlog: Learn the Differences

I was browsing my LinkedIn feed today when I stumbled upon a poll with a very simple question: “Who owns the Sprint Backlog?”. Surprisingly, even though the poll was posted on one of the largest Agile groups on LinkedIn (with over 250,000 members), it turned out that more than half of the respondents got the […]


Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Estimating

Top-down and bottom-up are two of the most popular approaches used to estimate project costs. While top-down uses historical data to estimate total cost, bottom-up estimating builds up cost from individual tasks. Both have pros and cons. This article explains these two estimating methods so you can determine which fits your needs and resources. You’ll […]

developers, software engineers, software engineering, version control

Software Engineering with Version Control

Version control systems are essential tools for any software engineering team. Version control, also known as source control, allows developers to track changes to source code, documents, web pages, and other collection of information stored in a repository. Using a source control system brings many advantages over relying solely on backups and file naming conventions […]

evm simplified example

Earned Value Management: a Framework for Success

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a project management technique that measures project performance and progress. It compares the amount of work completed and its cost to the amount of work expected to be completed and budgeted cost. This article will explain EVM methodology in depth, providing a valuable framework for assessing project status and predicting […]

finger,pointing,roles, responsibilities, raci vs rasci

RACI vs RASCI: a Comprehensive Overview

RACI and RASCI charts are useful tools for defining roles and responsibilities in projects. This article will provide a quick overview of RACI matrices before comparing the key differences between RACI vs RASCI models. We’ll cover the purpose and applications of each chart to help determine when one may be preferable over the other.  What […]

tech debt, software engineering, agile, devops

How to Effectively Manage Tech Debt

As discussed recently on Twitter, tech debt is an issue that deserves more attention, given its potential to derail products and projects in IT organizations. This article provides an opportunity to not only announce that Delivery Management is now active on Twitter, but also to delve deeper into this topic.  We’ll explore what tech debt […]

backfilling a position, backfilling position, project management

Backfilling a Position: Strategies for Seamless Transitions

Backfilling a position involves smoothly transitioning team members during temporary or permanent vacancies. But how can you ensure minimal disruption while maximizing project success? Discover practical strategies, and role-based approaches that empower you to make informed decisions. Streamline transitions and drive your projects forward with our comprehensive guide. What Does it Mean to Backfill a […]


A comprehensive guide to Nexus Scrum

Nexus is the Latin word for connection and Nexus Scrum, a framework designed to scale Agile, lives up to its name by seamlessly connecting people and things. With 3 to 9 Scrum Teams collaborating under one Product Owner, this framework helps streamlining collaboration while delivering increments from one single Product Backlog. Delve into this article […]

cpm, critical path method,

Everything about the Critical Path Method (CPM)

In this article, we will delve deep into the Critical Path Method (CPM) – a widely used project management model known for its effectiveness in both project planning and progress monitoring. We will explore its benefits, acknowledge its limitations, identify the ideal scenarios for its application, and compare it with other popular models like PERT, […]

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