sprint retrospective, sprint retro, retro ideas, funny retrospective, agile, scrum

Sprint Retro Ideas for a Funny Retrospective

A crucial ceremony of Scrum is the Sprint Retrospective, a reflection and improvement session held at the end of each sprint. In today’s article, we’ll explain what exactly a Retrospective is, explore why it’s often overlooked despite its immense value, and most importantly, equip you with a collection of creative retro ideas that will allow you to conduct an engaging and funny retrospective.

What is a Sprint Retrospective

The Sprint Retrospective is all about celebrating victories and learning from challenges. It is a time for the team to reflect on the team’s performance and on how the sprint went, now that it is complete, the tasks are done, and the code is deployed.

During the session, the team creates a safe space for open dialogue. Everyone has a voice, and together all team members identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

The Significance of Sprint Retrospectives

First and foremost, Sprint Retrospectives are all about continuous improvement. By learning from past experiences, you create a foundation for ongoing excellence.
Retrospectives are also useful to foster a culture of collaboration and transparency. When team members come together to openly discuss their wins and challenges, trust and camaraderie flourish. This level of honesty and mutual respect strengthens team bonds and ensures that everyone’s voice is heard.

The Most Overlooked Ceremony

Paradoxically, despite its significance, the Sprint Retrospective is often undervalued and neglected.

  • Teams may sideline retrospectives due to time constraints, viewing them as a non-essential activity.
  • Previous retrospectives without tangible outcomes could diminish their perceived value.
  • Misunderstandings about their purpose, or fear of turning into blame games, also contribute to their neglect.

Unfortunately, neglecting retrospectives has severe consequences.

Teams miss out on identifying improvement areas and learning from their experiences; inefficient practices may go unnoticed, impeding progress; team morale and engagement may decline as team members feel unheard and undervalued.

This is the reason why it is crucial not only to conduct the Sprint Retrospective but also to make the most out of it. By conducting a more engaging, interactive, and funny retrospective, you create an environment where team members eagerly look forward to these sessions. And if you need help in this direction, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered: later in this article, we will delve into retro ideas that will turn them into an enjoyable experience for your team.

The 4 Ls of Sprint Retrospective

The 4 Ls are the pillars of a successful retrospective:


It’s time to revel in the triumphs of the sprint. Acknowledge those moments that brought smiles to your faces, like completing a challenging task, delivering on time, or fostering fantastic teamwork. Embrace positivity and celebrate these wins as a united team.


Every sprint is a learning opportunity. Embrace the lessons you’ve gathered, both good and bad. Maybe you stumbled upon a more efficient coding technique or identified better ways to communicate. Learning from experiences empowers you to refine your skills and processes continually.


Here, it’s essential to be candid and constructive. Openly discuss any challenges faced, roadblocks encountered, or areas that need improvement. Remember, it’s not about blaming individuals; it’s about identifying shared opportunities for growth.

Longed For

This is the moment to unleash your creativity and ambition. Share your visions for a better future. What tools, support, or processes would help your team excel? Dream big and explore the possibilities together.

The 3 Sprint Retrospective Questions

The three fundamental questions serve as a seamless bridge, guiding your team smoothly from one “L” to another during the Sprint Retrospective. They provide structure and direction, making the retrospective process a well-organized and effective journey.

What went well during the sprint?

It’s time to shine a spotlight on all those fantastic achievements and successes. Whether it’s completing tasks ahead of schedule, delivering exceptional results, or fostering seamless collaboration – this is the moment to celebrate the wins and boost team morale.

What could be improved?

Every sprint comes with its challenges, and it’s essential to address them head-on. Identify any bottlenecks, communication breakdowns, or process inefficiencies. Remember, it’s not about pointing fingers, but rather finding opportunities for growth and improvement.

What actions can we take to facilitate improvements?

This is where the magic happens! Brainstorm together, come up with concrete action plans, and assign responsibilities. Set measurable goals to track progress and ensure accountability.

What to Avoid in a Retrospective

Let’s explore three critical pitfalls that can hinder the effectiveness of your retrospectives and how to steer clear of them.

Blame and finger-pointing

One of the most damaging behaviors in a retrospective is the blame game. Pointing fingers and singling out team members for mistakes creates a toxic environment that stifles open communication. Instead of fostering growth, it breeds defensiveness and erodes trust within the team. To avoid this, encourage a blame-free culture where team members feel safe to share their perspectives and learn from both successes and setbacks.

Dominating voices and groupthink

Another challenge to watch out for is the domination of a few voices in the retrospective. When a few team members monopolize the discussion, others may hold back their valuable insights. This phenomenon, known as groupthink, limits the diversity of ideas and perspectives, hindering the team’s ability to explore innovative solutions. To counteract this, promote equal participation and provide opportunities for quieter team members to share their thoughts. Encourage everyone to voice their opinions freely and value the uniqueness of each team member’s perspective.

Ignoring or postponing actions for improvement

The purpose of a retrospective is to identify areas for improvement and take actionable steps to address them. Failing to follow through on these actions can render retrospectives meaningless. If identified issues and improvement opportunities are swept under the rug or pushed aside for later consideration, the team loses the chance to grow and evolve. To prevent this, assign responsibilities for action items, set clear deadlines, and ensure that progress is tracked and discussed in subsequent retrospectives.

Best Retro Ideas for a Funny Retrospective

Ready to spice up your retrospectives? We’ve got you covered with 8 engaging retro ideas that will help you conducting a funny retrospective!

Explorers, Shoppers, Vacationers, Prisoners (ESVP)

This is a popular game that can be played at the start of retrospectives to understand the general mood of the team. The game starts with a brief explanation of the four different roles of the game:

  • Explorers are fully engaged and want to discover new ideas and insights
  • Shoppers are dedicated, but their focus tends to be primarily on their personal development rather than the project or the team’s collective goals
  • Vacationers are not particularly committed to the retrospective but enjoy taking a break from work
  • Prisoners feel obliged to attend the meeting but would rather be doing something else.

Every team member will anonymously assign a role to themselves to express their mood.

Constellation Retrospective

Another effective way to gauge the team’s mood is through the “Constellation” game.

In this activity, an object is placed in the center of the room. Team members position themselves around the object and are asked to move closer or farther from it based on their agreement or disagreement with specific statements or questions.

If you are moderating the retro, you can then ask questions, such as the team’s satisfaction with working together, the progress of the sprint, or their attitude towards retrospectives.

While this game can be insightful, it’s essential to acknowledge that it may not be suitable for everyone. Some team members might feel uncomfortable being physically isolated from the group or coerced into giving false feedback to avoid that “black sheep” feeling. To address this concern, it’s crucial to establish a safe and non-judgmental environment where honest expressions are encouraged.

Alternatively, you can opt for the anonymous format used in the previously discussed ESVP game.

Draw the Sprint

In this activity, each team member is given a piece of paper and asked to draw a visual representation of their experiences, thoughts, and emotions during the sprint. The drawings can be as simple or as elaborate as they like, allowing for individual expression and creativity.

As the team members finish their drawings, the artwork is displayed on a wall for everyone to see.

This “gallery” becomes the centerpiece of the retrospective discussion. As the team gathers around the drawings, they take turns explaining the stories behind their ideas.

Two Truths and a Lie

This game is typically used during new hire onboarding, allowing them to introduce themselves by providing three statements – two truths and a lie – and letting others guess the false statement. Similarly, you can incorporate this fun activity into your sprint retrospectives.

Ask each team member to come up with three statements about the team or the sprint, including two truths and a lie.

During the retrospective, team members share their statements, and together, the team collectively guesses which one is the false statement. It’s a lighthearted way to encourage team interaction and engage everyone in the retrospective process.

Symbolic Sprint Game

One exciting idea to explore is asking all team members to associate the latest sprint with something imaginative, like a movie title, a superhero (or villain), an historical event, or even a popular Netflix series.

When selecting a specific category, ensure it’s something that all team members can relate to. Alternatively, you can keep it open-ended and let them choose freely. The key is to create an inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone in the team.

By adopting this approach, the retrospective becomes not only fun but also a catalyst for generating thoughtful insights and reflections from the team, allowing each member to vividly describe their experiences.

One Word Retrospective

If you are looking for a simpler alternative to the previous game, you might just give each team member one sticky note to write down a single word that describes the sprint.

By displaying the sticky notes and discussing each word, you’ll capture diverse perspectives in a concise and engaging manner.

Mad Sad Glad

Sticky notes prove valuable once again in the widely used “Mad Sad Glad” game, a popular choice for sprint retrospectives.

Create three columns on a blackboard or a digital platform, representing the things that drive the team mad, make them sad, and those they are glad about.

Each team member participates by writing at least one thing in each column using sticky notes, which are then placed accordingly. The team engages in open discussions and addresses the feedback.

Sailboat Retrospective

Ideally, you can conduct the Sailboat Retrospective using a blackboard and sticky notes or an online platform with collaborative features (Miro, Trello, etc.).

To begin, divide the template (or blackboard) into four distinct areas:

  • Wind: This area represents the factors or forces that propelled the team forward during the sprint. Think of it as all the contributing elements that helped the team make progress.
  • Anchors: In this section, team members identify obstacles or challenges that weighed the team down. These could include bottlenecks, external dependencies, or anything that caused delays in team activities.
  • Rocks: This area is for capturing hidden risks or potential pitfalls that the team encountered. These are issues that were not initially apparent but later emerged as significant challenges.
  • Land: This section celebrates the team’s achievements and milestones during the sprint. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge the positive contributions made by individuals or the entire team.

Each team member adds their input to the relevant area, using sticky notes or digital annotations. Afterward, encourage them to elaborate on the elements they included.


The Sprint Retrospective stands out as a powerful tool for continuous improvement and team cohesion.

By creating a safe space for open dialogue and reflection, these retrospectives foster a culture of collaboration and transparency, strengthening team bonds and ensuring every team member’s voice is heard.

Despite its significance, the Sprint Retrospective is often overlooked, leading to missed opportunities for growth and innovation. To unlock the full potential of these retrospectives, it is crucial not only to conduct them but also to make them engaging and enjoyable experiences for the team.

Through creative retro ideas, such as the ESVP game, Constellation Retrospective, and Sailboat Retrospective, teams can truly enjoy this moment of self-discovery and learning.

If you found these retro ideas useful, share this article with your team!

Picture of Manfredi Pomar
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Italian cloud computing professional with a strong background in project management & several years of international experience in business consulting. His expertise lies in bridging the gap between business stakeholders & developers, ensuring seamless project delivery. During his free time, he enjoys fatherhood and immersing himself in nature.

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