backfilling a position, backfilling position, project management

Backfilling a Position: Strategies for Seamless Transitions

Backfilling a position involves smoothly transitioning team members during temporary or permanent vacancies. But how can you ensure minimal disruption while maximizing project success? Discover practical strategies, and role-based approaches that empower you to make informed decisions. Streamline transitions and drive your projects forward with our comprehensive guide.

What Does it Mean to Backfill a Position?

At its core, backfilling a position means smoothly transitioning when a team member is absent — be it temporarily or permanently. This isn’t just about plugging a gap; it’s about ensuring tasks continue, deadlines are met, and projects remain on track.

Backfilling is like having a capable substitute who seamlessly joins the team, knows the role, and contributes without disruption.

The backfilling process typically involves identifying the need for backfill, defining the role requirements, sourcing and selecting suitable candidates, and providing necessary training or onboarding to the new employee.

Why Would You Need to Backfill a Position?

Backfilling is needed in various situations, and the reasons can vary from temporary unavailability to permanent changes in the organization. Here are some scenarios where backfilling might be necessary:

  1. Temporary Unavailability: When an employee is temporarily unavailable due to reasons like maternity or paternity leave, sabbatical, prolongued medical leave, or any other approved time off.
  2. Lack of Capacity: This is, for example, the case when internal stakeholders who are initially assigned to a project become unavailable due to internal priorities or capacity constraints.
  3. Promotions or Transfers: When an employee is promoted or transferred to a different role within the company, their previous position becomes vacant.
  4. Employee Departure or Retirement: When an employee leaves the company either voluntarily or due to termination, their role needs to be backfilled as well. The same applies if the employee retires.
  5. Skillset Changes: If a particular role requires specific skills that an incumbent resource does not possesses, the company might need to backfill the role with someone who has the necessary skills to perform the job effectively.
  6. Expansion or Restructuring: When a company expands, restructures, or introduces new departments or functions, backfilling might be necessary to staff new positions or adapt existing roles to the changing organizational needs.
  7. Termination of an External Contractor: When a company terminates its working relationship with an external contractor, it can create a gap in terms of the services or expertise that the contractor was providing. This termination could happen due to various reasons, such as the completion of a specific project, budget constraints, changes in business strategy, unsatisfactory performance, or the need to bring certain functions in-house.

In all these scenarios, backfilling is crucial to maintaining operational efficiency, ensuring project progress, and preventing disruptions in business processes.

2023 tech layoffs according to TechCrunch
2023 Tech Layoffs as of August 1, 2023 – Source: TechCrunch

The Impact on Project Management

The absence of a team member might seem like just a hiccup, but it can trigger a domino effect that disrupts the entire project management process. When a position remains vacant, the impact reverberates across timelines, collaboration, team morale and outcomes.

Timelines can take a hit. Tasks once smoothly distributed might now pile up, leading to bottlenecks.

Collaboration might suffer too, as communication gaps and confusion can arise when responsibilities aren’t transferred properly.

Team morale can also be affected due to increased workload, uncertainty, and potential disruption in project direction, leading to stress, demotivation and decreased productivity.

Moreover, project outcomes can be compromised, as the expertise and unique insights of the absent team member might be lost and result in suboptimal decisions and outputs. This might also affect the relationship with the stakeholders.

Budgeting for Backfill Resources

The costs associated with smoothly transitioning a team member—whether temporarily or permanently—can impact your project’s bottom line.

Firstly, there are replacement costs to consider. Recruiting, onboarding, and the efforts in training and knowledge transfer demand time and resources.

Let’s not forget the cost of lost productivity during the vacancy. While you’re in the process of backfilling, there might be a dip in team efficiency. Deadlines could be missed, and project progress could slow down.

With these considerations in mind, it would be prudent to allocate resources for potential backfilling in advance, ensuring project continuity if someone leaves during the project.

Unfortunately, achieving this might not always be feasible, yet even if you lack the authority to intervene directly, you can still raise your concerns and make sure your voice is heard.

And if the project is already underway when the need for backfilling comes to surface, you can still contribute to resolving this issue.

Your Role Counts

When it comes to backfilling a position, your role in the organization plays a significant role in how you approach and contribute to the process. Depending on whether you’re an external contractor, a team member without hiring power, or a decision-maker your strategies will differ.

If you’re an external contractor, such as an external consultant, your influence might be limited.

You will have to contend with whatever decision your client is making (whether it’s not filling the vacancy at all, filling it with a resource that doesn’t precisely match the required profile, etc.), but you can still provide your valuable insights.

For instance, you can offer advice to your client regarding the necessary skills. Potentially, you might even propose resources from your own pool to step in. In other words, you could transform the situation from a challenge into an opportunity.

The ones within the organization lacking decision power, can collaborate with the hiring manager and the other decision-makers, provide context, and offer insights into the skills required for effective backfilling.

Now, if you hold decision-making power, the responsibilities are even greater.

You’ll need to analyze the situation, weigh the pros and cons, and make informed decisions about how to tackle the vacancy.

Backfilling a Position: How to Proceed

There are three main approaches, each with its own set of benefits and considerations.

The first approach involves promoting from within. This means identifying candidates in the organization that might fill the vacancy. It’s a great way to reward and nurture internal talent, maintaining team morale and company loyalty. However, potential skill gaps and the need for succession planning must be carefully addressed.

The second approach is hiring externally, often involving contractors. This can inject fresh expertise and perspectives into the team. Contractors offer flexibility and immediate availability. Yet, integration might pose a challenge, and costs could be higher than expected.

A third approach is a combination of both. If responsibilities can be divided, someone within the company might take over some of them, while an external contractor could offer part-time support for the remaining activities — this compromise ensures continuity while keeping costs under control.


In conclusion, backfilling positions is unfortunately something that one always has to consider, especially in the delivery of lengthy projects. Whether navigating temporary leaves, or permanent vacancies, backfilling bridges gaps seamlessly, ensuring projects stay on track.

The domino effect of an empty position can disrupt timelines, collaboration, and outcomes, making the right backfilling approach imperative.

With the understanding that promoting from within fosters loyalty, hiring externally infuses fresh perspectives, and a hybrid strategy balances both, you’re empowered to select the route that aligns with your project’s unique needs and your organization’s values.

Picture of Manfredi Pomar
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Italian cloud computing professional with a strong background in project management & several years of international experience in business consulting. His expertise lies in bridging the gap between business stakeholders & developers, ensuring seamless project delivery. During his free time, he enjoys fatherhood and immersing himself in nature.

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