devops, python, golang, terraform, cloud computing,

How to Get into DevOps in 2023

As technology continues to advance, the demand for skilled DevOps professionals is soaring, making it an opportune time to dive in. In this post, we will unravel the steps to embark on a rewarding career in DevOps in 2023.

Why is DevOps still in High Demand?

The IT industry is evolving at lightning speed, and DevOps is playing a starring role in this digital transformation.

You might wonder, what’s the big deal with DevOps, and why is everyone still talking about it in 2023? Well, first off, businesses are recognizing that the collaboration between development and operations teams is the key to unleashing the true potential of their software delivery pipeline. DevOps breaks down the silos, fostering teamwork and communication, resulting in faster, more reliable releases.

But that’s not all! The demand for DevOps-savvy professionals is skyrocketing because companies want to keep up with the ever-evolving tech landscape. With Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and cloud computing becoming the norm, the need for agile, adaptable DevOps practices is at an all-time high.

By now, you might be wondering if DevOps is here to stay. Absolutely! As technology continues to advance, DevOps will remain the heartbeat of successful software development and deployment. It’s not just a trend; it’s a philosophy that’s reshaping how businesses operate.

Where to Start?

To get into DevOps in 2023 you need to cover different domain areas.

First things first, a major player in the DevOps game is cloud computing. You’ve got your options: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud – pick one and dive in! You need to know at least one cloud platform to start deploying and managing applications with ease.

Next up, scripting knowledge. Python should be the obvious choice here – it’s versatile, powerful, easy to learn and with plenty of documentation available. If Python isn’t your cup of tea, no worries! Golang is an excellent alternative that can get the job done just as well.

Last but not least, you need to familiarize yourself with infrastructure-as-code (IaC)! To begin, delving into Terraform would be an excellent starting point. With it, you can makie deployments consistent and scalable.

But hey, we won’t sugarcoat it – becoming a DevOps pro takes time and effort. It’s a journey of continuous learning and growth. So, you will need to define a solid learning plan.

DevOps Learning Plan

Ideally, this is how you should proceed:

  1. Lay the foundation with DevOps basics. Understand the core principles. This will set the stage for your DevOps journey.
  2. Choose your cloud platform wisely. Whether it’s AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, you’ll need to learn how to deploy applications, manage resources, and harness the full potential of cloud services.
  3. Whether you opt for Python or Golang, master the art of scripting as this will soon become your daily bread!
  4. Once you have covered all the previous points, you are now ready to venture into the realm of infrastructure-as-code. Take a Terraform course and you should be ready to go!

Now, you might wonder, why this particular order? Well, it’s all about building a sturdy foundation. Understanding the core DevOps principles prepares you for the challenges ahead. Then, venturing into cloud platforms equips you with real-world application knowledge, while scripting empowers you to automate and optimize. Finally, IAC seals the deal, ensuring your infrastructure is scalable, repeatable, and manageable.

Transitioning between each step should be a smooth sail, with each skill complementing the other. Remember, it’s a journey, not a race! Take your time to absorb the knowledge and apply it to real-world scenarios.

Continuous Learning

As a DevOps enthusiast, you’re part of a dynamic, ever-changing landscape. Technologies, methodologies, and tools are in a constant state of flux. To stay ahead of the curve, you must adopt the mindset of a lifelong learner, and if you already master all the topics mentioned above you have two options to continue your journey:

  • Think vertically. This means diving deeper into the skills you’ve acquired. Take your scripting knowledge, for instance. You’ve mastered one language, but there’s always more to learn. Delve into advanced scripting techniques, explore libraries, and discover best practices.
  • Expand horizontally. This involves exploring additional DevOps tools and technologies. Maybe a new containerization tool. Or, back to the scripting example, if you learned Python you could now move to Golang (and viceversa). The more versatile you become, the better equipped you’ll be to handle diverse stacks.

Moreover, keep a keen eye on industry trends. The DevOps world moves quickly, and new best practices emerge regularly. Attend conferences, read tech blogs, and engage with the DevOps community. This will not only broaden your knowledge but also connect you with like-minded professionals who share your passion.

The Importance of Professional Certifications

But how do you prove your expertise to potential employers? That’s where certifications come in! Certifications hold immense value, especially if you’re starting without much practical experience. They act as a bridge, providing credibility and trust to potential employers. Think of them as a seal of approval, assuring recruiters that you’ve put in the effort to master your craft.

Certifications are essential for boosting your DevOps career. They validate your knowledge, open doors to exciting opportunities, and set you apart in a competitive job market. Remember, certification success is not about perfection but rather demonstrating your commitment to continuous growth.

Recommended certifications

Of course, this depends on the platform of your choice to start your DevOps journey. If you’ve set your sights on the AWS cloud, the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer is your top pick; for the Azure enthusiasts, the Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert will shine brightly on your resume, demonstrating your expertise in Microsoft’s cloud ecosystem; for the Google Cloud fans, the obvious choice is the Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer.

But wait, there’s more! As we have already mentioned, Kubernetes plays a big role in the DevOps world, and a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification will prove your container orchestration mastery. Same goes for Docker and its Docker Certified Associate (DCA) certification.
Now, here’s the catch – don’t go overboard with certifications. Focus on the ones that align with your chosen platform and interests. Quality over quantity!

Preparing for DevOps Interviews

First things first, research, research, research! Delve deep into the company you’re interviewing with. Understand their culture, values, the projects they’re working on, and their tech stack. This knowledge will impress your interviewers and show them you’re genuinely interested in joining them.

Lacking previous work experience doesn’t mean you’re out of the game. Your passion, curiosity, and strong motivation can become your biggest assets to stand out, as companies are eager to invest in employees who display a genuine passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, especially in the fast-paced world of DevOps, where technology evolves so rapidly.


The demand for DevOps professionals continues to surge as businesses recognize its potential to accelerate software delivery and enhance collaboration between teams.

To become a DevOps pro, focus on cloud computing, scripting, and infrastructure-as-code skills. Remember, it’s a journey of continuous learning and growth. Embrace the power of vertical and horizontal expansion to stay ahead of the curve and tackle diverse challenges. Certifications act as a valuable bridge, providing credibility and trust to potential employers. Choose certifications that align with your interests and chosen platform, demonstrating your commitment to continuous growth.

Research and prepare thoroughly for interviews, showcasing your passion, curiosity, and motivation to stay at the forefront of DevOps trends.

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Italian cloud computing professional with a strong background in project management & several years of international experience in business consulting. His expertise lies in bridging the gap between business stakeholders & developers, ensuring seamless project delivery. During his free time, he enjoys fatherhood and immersing himself in nature.

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